Mentions légales

You are connected to the Exceptional Fireplace website. Users who access this site agree to comply with the terms of use. The use of this site is subject to compliance with applicable laws and these general access and use conditions. We reserve the right to modify these conditions at any time, and we invite users to refer to them regularly.

This site is owned by

Perron Hervé 
6 lot Kernérédo 
56640 Arzon

Phone: 06 14 32 68 01


SAS with a share capital of 9,000 euros

SIRET: 80105213500028

APE code: 4399D

General Information

The website was designed by: 

Creation & SEO:

Beeview - Web Agency in Vannes - 
RCS: 801 788 803 at the prefecture of Vannes (56)

The site is hosted by:

GANDI SAS, Simplified Joint Stock Company with a capital of 800,000€, headquartered at

63-65 boulevard Massena in Paris (75013) FRANCE,

registered under number 423 093 459 RCS PARIS

VAT number: FR81423093459

Phone: +33.(0) 1 70 37 76 61

Fax: +33.(0) 1 43 73 18 51

Photo Credit



Our website is accessible 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, except for interruptions necessary for technical maintenance, upkeep, and updates that Ms. Laura Planckaert deems necessary to perform.

Intellectual Property

This entire site is subject to French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. The names, brands, and signs mentioned on this site are the property of their respective owners. Any use or reproduction, total or partial, of the site, its components, and/or the information contained therein, by any means whatsoever, constitutes an infringement punishable by the Intellectual Property Code. Documents, information, graphic elements, and all other types of content on the Exceptional Fireplace website may not be copied. Similarly, they may not be reproduced or modified, whether for a fee or free of charge, without the express written permission of Exceptional Fireplace. Analyses and short quotations from parts of our site are permitted, in accordance with Article L.122-5 3° of the Intellectual Property Code, provided they are justified by the critical, polemical, educational, scientific, or informative nature of the work to which they are incorporated, and provided that the following clear and visible mentions are included: "Les Ecrins du Golfe document from the website - All rights reserved."


Exceptional Fireplace disclaims all responsibility for the content and relevance of the information on this website.


Exceptional Fireplace allows any website to establish a link to after a simple prior notification to the webmaster. However, any such link will be subject to applicable legal provisions. Exceptional Fireplace reserves the right, at any time and without notice or justification, to prohibit these links. In such cases, the relevant party will be informed and will have 2 working days to remove the link.

Mirroring Prohibition

No third party is authorized to publish the Site under another URL.

Malfunction and Viruses

Currently, Internet Explorer 7 or higher and Firefox provide the best functioning of this site. Exceptional Fireplace cannot be held responsible for direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of this website, or the inability of a third party to use it, or a malfunction, interruption, or virus resulting from the access or use of this site or any linked sites.

Linked Sites

Exceptional Fireplace disclaims all responsibility for the content available on other websites to which it has created links or which may have been created without its knowledge. Access to all other websites linked to this website is at the user's own risk. Exceptional Fireplace also disclaims all responsibility for any information contained on third-party sites that include links to

Applicable Law

In accordance with Article 17 of the Law on Confidence in the Digital Economy, French law applies to this site.